SEBS - Strong and Efficient Baccarat System

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"the most profitable system"
SEBS - Strong and Efficient 
Baccarat System

by Izak Matatya
"beats all tester books with bets not exceeding 10 units"

2017 was a great year, with many innovative systems such as SOWS, Triangle, Elegant, Gambler's Dream, The Five-Three and the Pendulum to name a few. 

It's almost June 2018 and I haven't marketed any new system of mine this year until now, as the above mentioned systems were so good, I had to overdo myself and come up with something even better, which was tough. 

With all the challenge, I am proud to present you today my newest and strongest system ever:  SEBS - which stands for Strong and Efficient Baccarat system, as its name implies. 

It is most probably the most profitable system you will ever own.  And this is achieved with a maximum bet hardly ever exceeding 10 units, throughout thousands of shoes.  Within the entire 1K Zumma tester book and the 600 Zumma shoes, there were only two instances of a bet being 14 units and 23 units. 

SEBS is so good, it needs no stop loss limit.  All runs are closed and none is abandoned.  As per stop win, we don't stop either.  You can complete a run whenever you're in profit or whenever you cash 5 units, 10 units, etc. totally up to you.  This is given to you as a parameter. 

Parameters are in each simulation.  You can determine how much you want to bet after a win, after a loss, between losses, between wins, etc., how you want to increment your bets after a win, after a loss, etc.  with what kind of profit you would like to end a run. etc.  And, of course, I provide you with optimized parameters to get the most decent and consistent profits.  You're still welcome to experiment with any other parameter provided to you as entries in Excel cells.

The simulations are now implemented in the new version of Excel, where one can see the entire 1K Zumma shoes in one spreadsheet.  As a matter of fact, here's the performance chart of such a set:

7,592 units profit is achieved for those 1K shoes, averaging 7.6 units per shoe. 

The Zumma 600 shoes has a very similar performance averaging 5.6 units per shoe.

The system incorporates brand new ideas in differential betting, which is based on the concept of betting on two opposite sides of an even bet with the difference of the bets, instead of placing certain amounts on each side. 

In most differential systems, both sides use the same kind of progression, so that if one side is winning, its bet amount remains 1 unit, as it keeps closing runs, and the losing side presses bets. This makes only 1 unit difference in the actual bet amount. SEBS has revolutionized this concept by having different kind of progressions on each side of the even bets, creating a very dynamic differential betting mode.

The system is designed for EZ or Dragon Baccarat, where there are no commissions on Banker wins, rather than the 5% commission paid on regular mini Baccarat games. This makes the game easier to play and easier to calculate the next amount to be placed.

Also, since we cannot tell when a Dragon appears in the Zumma set, 600 randomly generated shoes are provided to you, where Dragons are incorporated, for about 2 of them per shoe in average, where your bet is returned to you if you were placing a bet on a Banker, or the bet would be lost if you were placing a bet on Player decision.

We can easily say that there is no bet selection in this system. Bets are placed on either Banker (B) or Player (P), based on the actual system method's specifications and not by observing patterns and/or previous decisions. 

You will see that you will automatically be placing bets on the side that wins more frequently. Also, unlike other systems, this is not based on the count of which side wins more or on any certain dominant side. The concepts of SEBS are totally different and very innovative than any other system you have seen.

All you need to do is to follow certain rules, concerning where to bet and which amount and those rules are very straightforward. There is absolutely no guessing involved. That's the reason why the system can be totally automated and simulated.

Three simulations are provided for you, the one for the 1K Zumma shoes, the 600 Zumma shoes and 600 randomly generated shoes incorporating Dragons.

The overall bankroll that you will require should not exceed 300 units, which will be your lifetime bankroll requirement. 

Some shoes will generate as many as 100 units per shoe.  Some runs will take slightly longer, still keeping the maximum bet within the range of 1-10 units.

The system can and will generate multiple units per run.

The system document is only16 pages of easy reading and includes lots of examples and scenarios for you to thoroughly understand the specifications, the rules and how to apply the system.

SEBS goes for $2000 and is worth every penny.  To make it affordable to you, you can have a huge 90% discount and have the system for only $200, if you buy it until the end of June 2018.  This is a very special offer.

The system is so profitable, that if you set the max bet to 100 units for instance, the randomly generated 600 shoes generate up to 56,000 units (not a misprint).  If you set it to 11, every 600 randomly generated set will produce at least 3000 units.  

As always, you have a full money back guarantee, if the system is not to your satisfaction you may return it within 30 days of your purchase,  no questions asked, no strings attached.

This system will be your strongest arsenal. 

Thank you!
Izak Matatya 

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Frequently Asked Questions on
SEBS - Strong and Efficient 
Baccarat System

by Izak Matatya


The new SEBS - Strong and Efficient Baccarat system announced last week has received quite a lot of attention. This week I would like to answer your questions in this frequently asked questions newsletter.

Q:  Hi Izak, 

This looks interesting. Can you clarify with the setting 11 unit parameter achieving 3000 units per 600 shoes you quote, what is the range of bets on each side and downturn examples from different shoes? Same for the 100 unit max. bet how far down could you be in a shoe? The graphs are impressive but it does depend how far down you could be before the profit kicks in.

A: The bet range is indeed between 1-10 units throughout the entire thousand shoe set. You could win up to 100 units per shoe and at times, it may take 2 shoes to complete a run that will give you 5 units.

Q: So following on in a run that takes two shoes to make 5 units what downturn in bankroll can occur. Over all those simulations what is the range of downturns?

A: Those kind of runs, can take up to 125 units, until you are finally 5 units up. But they're very rare.

Q: Is there really a big drawdown if I use SEBS on commission Baccarat? I really like playing in a live casino but that is the only type i can play near me. 

A: No, drawdowns are not too large. You can win up to 100 units per shoe and at times, it may take a couple of shoes to complete a run of 5 units.

Q: Is this system good for online Baccarat or only real Baccarat at casinos ?

A: Any Baccarat is fine for this system.

Q: I understand SEBS is designed for EZ Bacc., but will it work for commission baccarat?  Maybe one could make money bets solely on Player or something along those lines?

A: As I mentioned in the newsletter, SEBS does not have a bet selection. The method dictates where to place your bets, depending on certain circumstances.

If you bet P only, that would have a bet selection, then you would not be using SEBS, but something else.

SEBS works best with EZ Baccarat and since some shoes generate up to 100 units, paying some commissions will not hurt too much.

1. 300 point bank is required for each shoe?
2. What is maximum/average drawdown on the basis of optimized parameters.
3. What is winning/losing shoe ratio, and maximum/average losses for losing shoes.

A: 300 units as a lifetime bankroll and that is the maximum overall drawdown.  300 units are not required just for one shoe. 

There are no losing shoes. It's just that some rare runs may require a couple of shoes to terminate.

Thank you all for your valuable questions.

SEBS - Strong and Efficient Baccarat system is $900 reduced from $2000.   Early bird purchasers will have a huge discount of 90% and will be able to purchase this wonderful system for $200 only, if you place your orders until the end of the month June 2018.   An offer not to be missed!

As always, you have a full money back guarantee, if the system is not to your satisfaction, no questions asked, no strings attached, and you may return it within 30 days of your purchase.

Thank you!
Izak Matatya

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