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Free System -

 Dear Let's Talk Winning subscribers, customers, friends, The new  System 101 launched a couple of weeks ago is doing very well.  Lots of positive comments received from customers.  Due to the fact, that some casinos are still not open because of covid-19, the 50% sale and the duration of the money back guarantee has been extended to the end of September.In the meantime, please enjoy the following free system, with which you can make lots of units using regular commission based Baccarat.  As per many systems it has a bet selection and a bet method, both very simple to follow. The bet...

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 We don't always have to have a very complex system to make quick and easy profits at the casino.  And we don't have to have a huge bankroll either.  We simply need to be creative and control our losses in a very efficient manner. As a matter of fact, this simple system can make you hundreds of units with a maximum bet of only 5 units. As a bet selection, we will use an excerpt of my KISS system, which will use only the following of the Streaks and Chops. For those not familiar with KISS, a Streak is defined...

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Free System -

Dear Let's Talk Winning subscribers, customers, friends, Continuing the trend of the great ideas of 2019, here's a free strategy you may enjoy. Before we continue, I would like to apologize to some customers who have not received the last 2 newsletters, due to a server failure, where two great systems were announced: the 1-2-3 and the Singles System for Even Bets.  You can find the information on those two systems at the following two links: and Make sure to check them out as they are greatly discounted until the end of February and their performance are superb! And now to our free...

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Free System -

Free Gambling System of the Month - Parlaying Repeating Dozens Dear Let's Talk Winning subscribers, customers, friends, MPRS - the Multiple Parlay Roulette System, the new system announced three weeks ago is still on sale.  Make sure to get it at $100 off by the end of this year. Just to give you an idea of its tremendous power, I will share with you only a very small portion of it in this newsletter. MPRS parlays 5 different areas of the Roulette table with a very sophisticated money management system. In this newsletter we will see how we can parlay only...

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Free Gambling Systems of the Month - Four Sectors of 9 Roulette Strategies Dear Let's Talk Winning subscribers, customers, friends, This month's free systems will focus on Roulette Sectors of 9.  Since there are 36 numbers excluding the zeros, we can divide the layout into four quadrants and call it each a sector of 9 numbers.  In the old times, players used to look for biased wheels, where the ball would frequent one of those four sectors more often than others.  By betting on this sector, one would cash quite a sum (betting 9 chips, winning 36, profiting 25) until...

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