by Izak Matatya
It's almost March 2020 and it's time for a new system that can generate 20 units in less than 20 steps. And the name of the system will be exactly like the launching date: March 2020. And it will use a "march" progression of 20 steps in order to generate 20 units per run.
Will every run end with +20 units? Of course not, but we will have at least 3 times more +20 unit runs than any abandoned run.
Abandoned runs are not necessarily losing runs. We simply don't want to bet more than 20 units, as in the 20 step march progression, this is exactly what our maximum bet will be set to.
Some runs may end up at +4 or at -34. What is sure, that when we exceed our win target of +20 units the run is over. The run is over also when we reach the 20 steps of our progression, either positively or not. This is a very strong money management of the system.
In fact, for 600 shoes, March 2020 generates +3213 units averaging 5.355 units per shoe.
The system can be used for any even bet game such as in Roulette, Baccarat, Craps, Sic-Bo, War, etc.
It beats all tester books and is very simply to use. In fact, the system document is very straightforward with only an 8 page explanation and 4 elaborate examples.
Here's its performance chart:
Very strongly profiting system. Your maximum buy-in is 135 units, the most you may need in order to sustain a heavy run.
A special bet selection combined with this bet method is what generates those solid profits. Both sides of the even bets are used in the bet selection.
This is a system you will enjoy greatly and profit in a very short amount of time. Generating 20 units per run is surely not a grind system. At times, only accomplishing 1 run will make your day and all that in less than 20 bets. Imagine using $20 bets will generate $400 per run accomplished in less than 20 minutes.
This great system goes for $20,200 that you can generate in just 20 positive runs, probably within a day.
You will receive the system document and only one simulation within which you can change parameters to get different variations and profit levels.
Place your orders at the following link:
And an automatic download link will be provided to you. Do not forget to specify your email address for the link to work.
As usual, you have a full money back guarantee within 30 days of your purchase, no strings attached, no questions asked.
Thank you,
Izak Matatya
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